Dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018
Dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018

dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018

Even the optionals in D1 gave you lethal/non-lethal options, instead of having to ignore them totally. The very first Dishonored game had this element of lethal/non-lethal choices as a big core element. This would be fine imo in general but you can not deny how much of a core part this is of the Dishonored franchise. This means that if you want, as any normal player, to enjoy part your game's content, in this cases contracts, you have to play a certain style -> Lethal and afaik you can't do a non-lethal playthrough if you also do contracts. While the contracts are technically optional they themselves forces the player to act them out in one certain way -> Kill (in some cases in front of witnesses). Originally posted by ThePugHybrid:The game doesn't force you to do the contracts tho. I could maybe slightly have accepted it if I was able to kill without the ridiculous idea of having NPCs witness it. So the option is to either do the entire game without doing any contracts, or do the entire game with kills and being noticed leaving the contracts to an element for lethal/chaos playthroughs. I am only at level two and I can just imagine the future contracts with more 'Kill these no matters what' or 'Kill these in front of these others' contracts. I remember in Dishonored 1 that there was always a way to do things without being FORCED to either kill or leave bodies to be found. I've even tried knocking them out with a chloroform flask, but the 5 people around always spots it. Yes I could just kill them from a roof top and sneak away before being spotted, but the corpses will always be spotted. The NPC sits down next to another NPC and I have to kill both, but they never ever move and it is just impossible to kill them without people noticing their dead bodies. Then after a funny enough part where I had to stalk a NPC I am met with yet another disappointing situation.

dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018 dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018

Secondly I am now forced to kill two other, which I don't really care about as I've already killed the Mime, but whatever. Dishonored has always been non-lethal/lethal and this is just too alien to me. I absolutely hate that I have no choice but to kill. I know there is a bug that let's him survive while the contract is still completed, which I accidently got, but I reloaded and did the contract legit. So first I am FORCED to kill the Mime if I wanted to complete a contract. At first I was extremely glad to see the contract-mechanic that is in the game but it is starting to worry me more and more already and I am only at the second level:

Dishonored death of the outsider trainer 2018